Pride Month at Jellysmack

3 min readJul 8, 2021


What it means to be JellyProud

Traditions are vital. Symbolical dates and celebrations are necessary.

It’s important to choose a period in time to vividly honor each individual’s uniqueness, to embrace those differences while remembering that deep down, we are all the same. It is essential to have a date, to have a record of the celebration. What’s even more important, it’s to be conscious that when the party is over and the bright colors of the flags are taken down, the words “pride” and “to be proud” are not a one-time thing.

Choosing to be proud is a decision we make every day because we are constantly growing in acceptance and unity, knowing that we have the right to become the person we truly are or aspire to be. We understand the value of being and helping people reach their full potential personally and professionally in a respectful and, most importantly, free environment.

Pride is celebrated worldwide during the month of June, but at Jellysmack, we celebrate it every day, every second. It’s not just a special occasion for us; it’s a lifestyle. It is how we want our fast-growing community to thrive, where everyone is welcome, heard, respected, and valued because, after all, it’s in our company’s DNA. We want this to transcend, so people can understand how incredibly vital it is to allow each individual to be their best. You can only do this if you are true to yourself.

We were happy to celebrate Pride with all. However, it’s necessary to remember that even though the month is over, people are still fighting for their rights, and we all need to be part of that fight. We must also continue to celebrate the strength of this beautiful community and help one another grow into better human beings as members of this large society in which we all fit so perfectly.

Pride is not a month. Pride is every. single. day. And we are proud of that.

This text has been written by Carla Aguilar López and our Jellysmackers.

Although Pride Month has come to an end, the learning and celebration of diversity does not. It’s a never-ending process that feeds on the Jellysmackers who continue to steer our company. They are the ones behind last month’s program with the help of the JellyPride Team.

We held learning, sharing, and understanding workshops on diversity, equity, and bias. But also nearly 30 publications on internal social networks, including videos and photos about the LGBTQI + community, its history and struggles, and content about the differences between sex and gender, ways to make our communication more inclusive, or even ways to become allies.

Beyond the thousands of views, it was the discussions that arose from these publications, as well as our Jellysmackers’ willingness to understand, help, and grow, that reassured us that Pride Month was a success.

It’s time to build on that success, and that’s exactly what we’ll be doing with our Jellysmackers for the rest of the year.




Written by Jellysmack

Jellysmack is the global creator company that detects and develops the world’s most talented video creators through technology.

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